Ethan is an organic matter in the form of C2H6, in terms of size after methane. The atoms of this molecule are connected by the rule of a bond (a pair of electrons) for each hydrogen and four links (four pairs of electrons) for each carbon with covalent bonds. Ethan is used as a raw material for the process of di hydrogenation, food for petrochemicals, etc. It does not have eye and skin stimulation. Ethan below the explosive level is not poisonous. At high concentrations, it takes oxygen place and causes choking.
The name of the material (Persian): Ethan
The name of the material (English): Ethane
Brand (Farsi): Ethan
Brand name: Ethane
Other names: Biomethyl, Dimethyl, Ethyl Hydride, Methyl Methane
Ethan, C2H6, is the size after methane. The atoms of this molecule are connected by the rule of a bond (a pair of electrons) for each hydrogen and four links (four pairs of electrons) for each carbon with covalent bonds. Because each carbon atom is connected to four other atoms, its orbitals (orbitals sp3) are directed to the corners of a quadrilateral. As in methane, carbon-hydrogen bonds are due to the overlapping of spontaneous orbitals with hydrogen orbitals. The carbon-carbon bond is obtained from the overlap of two orbital sp3.
As a raw material for the process of di hydrogenation, an oral food for petrochemicals
Physical and chemical properties:
Molecular formula: C2H6
Molar mass 30.07 g / mol
Appearance colourless gas
Density 1.212 kg / m3
Melting point -181.76 C (89.34 K)
Boiling point -88.6 C (184.5 K)
Solubility in water
Very low Acidity (pKa) 50
Safety information:
It does not have eye and skin irritation. Ethan below the explosive level is not poisonous. At high concentrations, it takes oxygen place and causes choking. Flammable. Mixing this gas with air is explosive.